Youthreach is an education, training, and work programme for early school leavers from 15-20 years of age. It operates on a full-time basis and takes in new students all year round, offering support to young people to help them take their next steps in education or move towards employment.
Supporting students to gain academic qualifications, Youthreach programmes vary from centre to centre but can include awards typically at levels 3 and 4 on the NFQ. Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate or Leaving Cert Applied programmes.
To take part in Youthreach, you must:
- Have left mainstream school early
- Be aged between 15-20
- Wish to further your education and be willing to commit to the programme
Contact your local Education and Training Board or ETB to find Youthreach initiatives on offer near you.
Community Training Centres (CTCs)
CTCs are independent community-based organisations, providing training and education for early school leavers, primarily aged between 16 and 21.
Programmes such as employability skills, personal and social employment skills and science skills are provided by CTCs. All programmes offer personal and social skills development through modules such as communications, personal effectiveness, teamwork, career planning and literacy and numeracy support which are integrated with the vocational training modules. Courses are usually one year in duration and are full-time, leading to major awards on the NFQ at levels 3 and 4.