Further Education and Training (FET) provides broad opportunities to develop Green Skills. Green Skills are:
‘the abilities needed to live in, develop, and support a society which aims to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the environment’ (Cedefop, 2014).
Meeting Ireland’s climate action targets to halve Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 is essential for the future of our planet and we all have a role to play in the transition to a greener economy and society.
There are currently over 250 programmes across the country, and available for learners nationwide.
Areas include:
accounting and business
agriculture and forestry
art and design
biodiversity and the environment
construction and built environment
engineering, manufacturing and renewable energy
tourism and hospitality
transport and logistics
transversal skills and climate literacy
Find available Green Skills courses at www.fetchcourses.ie
A short and flexible Sustainability for beginners online programme to develop understanding of climate change and develop behaviours to reduce environmental impact is available in 4 languages, English, Irish, Polish and Ukrainian. You can find more information about the programme here.
Short courses in topics such as biodiversity, water management and energy conservation are also available in eCollege. In addition, a range of micro-qualifications to upskill and reskill to develop awareness in sustainability issues and extend career opportunities in the green economy for employees, employers and the unemployed are available through Skills to Compete and Skills to Advance. Find out more about Skills to Advance Green Skills Programmes here.
Take your first step towards a brighter, greener future today by exploring some of the green skills courses below.