
My PLC led me towards the degree that suited me best

My PLC led me towards the degree that suited me best

Hannah Dowdall completed a PLC and went on to study at Maynooth University.

For Hannah Dowdall, her PLC gave her a pathway to study at Maynooth University and explore her career options.  

“I completed a Level 5 Pre University Teaching course in Dunboyne College of Further Education. The tutors in the PLC were amazing and so supportive, especially when it came to different pathways into a desired career. That’s when an Arts Degree in Maynooth was brought to my attention, which I previously had not known was a pathway into teaching.

Doing a PLC helped me get on track and lead me into the course and toward the degree I realised suited me best. I left secondary school uncertain about what kind of teaching I wanted to do. Upon receiving my CAO offers, I got a place in a university doing a Level 8 course, which I didn’t feel ready for, so instead of deferring for a year I decided to complete the PLC to further understand teaching and ensure it was what I wanted to do. Had I taken my original offer into a Level 8, I genuinely think I would not be where I am today.

I’d like to eventually be involved in adult education.Completing my PLC made me realise that adult education is a career path which I had never considered before, but have learned it is what I am now most interested in pursuing. Attending a college which accommodates adult learners made me realise that it is a career I wish to pursue.”


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