Post Leaving Certificate/ PLC (FET Level 5 & 6) Courses
Also known as FET Level 5 & 6 Courses, PLCs are full-time courses, usually running for one year, awarding Level 5 or 6 qualifications on the NFQ. Whether you want to prepare for a specific career or find pathways to reach your potential through higher education, you can find an option that’s right for you.
A work based structured education and training programme which combines and alternates learning in the workplace with learning in an education or training centre. An apprenticeship begins with a contract of employment with an approved employer.
Traineeships typically take from 6-20 months full-time to complete. They provide occupation-specific training and integrate formal classroom training and workplace coaching with a host employer. Courses facilitate those entering the labour market for the first time and persons wishing to up-date or acquire new skills.
Youthreach is a full-time programme, usually over two years, for young people, aged 15 to 20, who left school early and are not are not working. It leads to awards typically at levels 3 and 4 on the NFQ. Learners are supported in setting individual learning plans aimed at increasing their self-esteem, skills and knowledge and ability to get a job.
Evening Courses
Part-time evening courses, typically of 30 hours over 10 weeks, provide short up-skilling modules for both unemployed and employed persons. Examples of courses include Interior Design, Computer Aided Design, Supervisory Management, and Start Your Own Business.
Back to Education Initiative
The Back to Education Initiative provides part-time Further Education programmes for young people and adults. It aims to give participants an opportunity to combine a return to learning with family, work and other responsibilities. Programmes are on a flexible part-time basis with classes offered in the morning, afternoons, evenings or weekends.
Skills to Advance
Upskilling and reskilling opportunities for employees in jobs undergoing change and to those currently employed in vulnerable sectors.
Upskill or reskill online whenever and wherever suits you. Online training courses in business, project management, information technology, graphic design, web design, software development and basic computer literacy.